
Showing posts from January, 2024

Cosplay Revival 2024

Cosplay in 2024: New Confidence   I brought my new Mysterio to SacAnime Winter 2024, and felt very welcome and included with the Sacramento Spider-Verse group at the big photoshoot & gathering. No one asked "Who are you supposed to be?" like what happened at a meet in San Diego in 2017, but rather my character was recognized and people loved it, especially for being at an anime convention :-) The air system needs repairs, but also my Agent Venom tunic and a future J. Jonah Jameson outfit are definite options for future SSV events, along with a few choices to fit the League of Heroes Inspired events. Just no more weekday events, especially if there isn't a lot of interest from others. I do look forward to parades, charity events, and gatherings with both groups, along with Solano Cosplay Gathering. Also, I'm starting to get into more gaming with two regular groups with weekly meetups.