Hello, World

Hello, World

Line drawing of one of the characters of my sci-fi story. The heroic Zakarians often wear uniforms reflecting their roles as Blasters, Shapers, Empaths, or in support roles.

This phrase is often the first to be produced when learning to code, or in this case, sparking a new creative outlet.
I have a sci-fi story rolling through my head, and have found the best way to express it. A blog with illustrations is the perfect balance for me, in real-world adventures as well as imaginative ones. Text can work, but adding illustrations and "sidebars" can allow the reader to choose when (or whether) to read the "world-building", the "tech specs", or a greater detail of a story element without packing all the extra words into the main continuity.
In the real world, I'm soon resuming my foray into the world of Cosplay and "casual photography" in an effort to "pay it forward" to others like myself who might find themselves scrolling to refresh a "gallery post" after a convention, in a vain effort to have themselves appear in even a single frame.
D C Keenan wears a homemade costume space suit, looking out through the clear plastic visor. The suit has an air aystem that circulates fresh air into the helmet. The background is a "green screen" effect of the window and two pipes of a cartoon space ship, created with vector art.


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