The Year of Ambition, or Perhaps the Midlife Crisis

A Lone Wolf in Cosplay

David Keenan premiers his "bubble boy space suit" to a cosplay gathering during December Nights in San Diego's Balboa Park in December 2016 

Back in 2016, I made an "isolator suit" as a challenge as well as an expression of my outlook. The challenges amounted to nothing, but the suit remains as my perfect "main" with the addition of Captain Olimar accessories for upcoming opportunities.

Photos are pretty rare, and even more so are the sought-after group photos. As it would turn out, some of that is due to the "gatekeeperism" and "cliqueism" that had firmly planted itself in cosplay in Southern California.

Nowadays the struggle is against the limitations and precautions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic; I do have some Marvel & DC outfits "on reserve" for when things can open up again, but in many cases there are close-knit groups and I don't want to try to pry open a slot for myself in front of the cameras in case it would give the wrong impression of me.

So for now I'll either be Captain Olimar, or wear one of my "casuals" and bring my camera, which has shown early success in finding that sought-after inclusion.


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