Brutal Reality and the Promise of Friends

Brutal Reality

David Keenan wearing a space suit costume with plastic bubble helmet

I was in San Diego this Labor Day Weekend, and (other than one individual actually talking to me) the class reunion was a sea of backs, shoulders, and turned-away faces. The invisibility that I'm realizing is definitely present, unless an opportunity arises for my embarrassment in any form. This, and the "wolfpack" breaking up during an anime convention which reminded me of my attempts to try to fit in during cosplay gatherings in San Diego, cemented my desire to carve my own path with an Original Character and to weave the exclusion and other "invisibility factors" into the Jambreaker continuity when possible within the flow of the story.

Fortunately, though, I did get a positive response from a local fandom group based out of Sacramento, and so my Spider-Man Last Stand outfit could get some action at upcoming events. Also, I wore my Captain Olimar to a photoshoot for a charity calendar for the first time ever.

The huge "saving factor" for these "adventures" is going with friends. The Clown Connection is there with parades, the League of Heroes Inspired is there at their larger events on weekends, and either Johara (in San Diego) or meeting up with Kevin Hogan and others locally help make fandom conventions for me. The Baraboo Big Top Parade was successful thanks to the Waukesha Clowns letting me join them aboard their giant shopping cart (unfortunately my Clown Connection friends had to deal with a medical emergency and couldn't make it to the parade). Photos and video with numerous clowns helped in the creation of fond memories, but there were some individuals who kept to themselves or to their preferred circles, and I was glad that they weren't the only people around by far.


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